It's an exciting time here at EtsyDenver. The street team is getting off the ground, the daffodils are in bloom on the Front Range, and craft fair/show season is just around the corner.
Several things are now in the works. Etsy is revamping its street team resource pages, and
Kismet Designs is busy working on getting our very first mission statement together.
I have been working the forums and blogspot to get some more visibility, and I've emailed Matt over at Etsy to see how we can get "official" recognition.
Cindy is busily working away on our first set of promotional postcards - our compromise to stuffing 80 gazillion business cards into an unsuspecting buyer's packaging. We can use the same cards to post at libraries, coffee shops, and anywhere else that will permit us to tack our goods on their board.
Nicole is accepting promos for her slot at this year's Ballpark Market. And we're all looking into different neighborhood farmer's markets, craft fairs, local events, etc. that we can share a booth at.
If you're a Colorado-based Etsian, we'd love for you to join our team. Contact myself through my Etsy store, or just post a comment here for more information.
Happy Spring Day in Colorado!